Cillín Hearns

Cillín Hearns
Leadership & Performance Coach
Cillín Hearns is an Irishman loving his life in New Zealand. Cillín has been fortunate to have had a diverse career which afforded him the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life and across many industries including the fitness industry, the government sector, the industrial sector, IT consulting, and Banking. He has several years direct experience working as an IT consultant and has led up to 12 teams of over 140 consultants so everything Cillín does has a strong practical element to making it work. Whether it’s a 10 week coaching programme, a two day workshop, or a 90 minute presentation Cillín’s approach is always engaging, informative and educational. Through his clever use of stories and personal anecdotes... always peppered with a large dose of humour... you will be left wanting more. As one participant to Cillín's presentations put it, “Fantastic – this guy rocks! Amazing speaker. The session was motivating and inspiring.”
The latest from Cillín Hearns
Reconstructing Beliefs
If you have any unresourceful beliefs (beliefs that hold you back in life) it is…
If you have any unresourceful beliefs (beliefs that hold you back in life) it is possible to change them and shake off the shackles that keep you down. We have either adopted our beliefs from others or have constructed them ourselves (often unconsciously); therefore, it is entirely possible to change these to lead a more fulfilling life.
The Power of Beliefs
Our beliefs can create or destroy, they can lead to happiness or to misery, they…
Our beliefs can create or destroy, they can lead to happiness or to misery, they can lead to a life of fulfilment or a life of despair. This is the power our beliefs hold over us.
The Birth of the Self
Our personalities have been shaped from the very moment we were born. We have…
Our personalities have been shaped from the very moment we were born. We have moulded ourselves during our early years to meet the expectations of significant others in our early lives which continues to influence the decisions we make today.
The Self
Understanding the "self" is the first step in understanding why we do the things…
Understanding the "self" is the first step in understanding why we do the things that we do. It is at the very heart of understanding how our personality has been shaped and who we believe we are.
The Awareness Triangle
Self-awareness is the starting point of any leadership journey, but awareness…
Self-awareness is the starting point of any leadership journey, but awareness alone is not enough. Although it’s where we start you must also be aware of others and your organisational environment. This is the awareness triangle.
Our emotions heavily influence the quality of our lives. The only reason we do…
Our emotions heavily influence the quality of our lives. The only reason we do things is because how we think it will make us feel. Harnessing our "negative" emotions is the pathway to a more fulfilling and rich life.
The ABC Model
The ABC Model is a simple cognitive model that can be used to quickly move past…
The ABC Model is a simple cognitive model that can be used to quickly move past negative thoughts and develop a more solution-focused mindset.
Strategies for Resilience
There are several strategies that you can learn and develop through practice to…
There are several strategies that you can learn and develop through practice to be able to better deal with stress and become a more resilient person.
Hardiness is the term used in psychology to refer to resilience. The resilient…
Hardiness is the term used in psychology to refer to resilience. The resilient person tends to have mastered the 3 C's of hardiness and therefore views stress differently than the average person.
Understanding Resilience
Resilience is the ability to continue to push through in the face of mounting…
Resilience is the ability to continue to push through in the face of mounting stress and the ability to bounce back quickly from adverse effects.
Burn Out
Burn out is the cumulation of stress over an extended that leads to the either…
Burn out is the cumulation of stress over an extended that leads to the either mental or physical fatigue and illness. There are several signs to be aware of both for yourself and for for others.
The Silent Killer
Due to the underlying adverse impact that stress has on our mental and physical…
Due to the underlying adverse impact that stress has on our mental and physical health, it is often referred to as the silent killer.
Evaluating Stress
Being able to evaluate what causes you stress is the first step in changing the…
Being able to evaluate what causes you stress is the first step in changing the unconscious response to triggers in our environment leading to a more balanced and stress free life.
Understanding Stress
Understanding what stress is and how our bodies respond to stress is the first…
Understanding what stress is and how our bodies respond to stress is the first step in taking control of, what is often referred to as, the silent killer.
Meeting Your Human Needs
Human needs can be met internally or externally, changing your primary needs can…
Human needs can be met internally or externally, changing your primary needs can empower you.
Identifying Your Human Needs
Of the six human needs, we each have two that dominate our decision-making more…
Of the six human needs, we each have two that dominate our decision-making more than the others. These needs are felt so deeply, they are key driving forces for our lives. Needs can be met in healthy and unhealthy ways. This video explains the human needs and provides an exercise for leaders to identify their dominant needs.
Recreating your Beliefs
Our beliefs are formed deep in our unconscious mind and determine what is…
Our beliefs are formed deep in our unconscious mind and determine what is possible for us and what is not possible for us. By recreating our beliefs we can remove any limitations that have been holding us back in life.
Understanding Values
Our values are inherent in every decision that we make and therefore directly…
Our values are inherent in every decision that we make and therefore directly influence the direction of our life. Understanding your values will enable you to construct the type of life you wish to lead.
Values in Conflict
Even though we may be aware of our values and how they influence our decisions…
Even though we may be aware of our values and how they influence our decisions we can sometimes feel conflicted.
Determining your Values
Our values lie deep in our unconscious; therefore, in order to ensure they are…
Our values lie deep in our unconscious; therefore, in order to ensure they are the values for who we are as a person now, it's necessary to explore these and recreate them if required.
Your Values Hierarchy
Understanding our values is one thing but to reduce a values conflict,…
Understanding our values is one thing but to reduce a values conflict, understanding where they fit in a hierarchy is where the real understanding comes from.
A means to an ends
Values can be divided into two categories: Means Values and Ends Values. So…
Values can be divided into two categories: Means Values and Ends Values. So often we tend to focus on the Means Value when really what we're after is the Ends Value.
Personal Rules
Our personal rules lie between our values and our beliefs. They drive our…
Our personal rules lie between our values and our beliefs. They drive our behaviours and can cause us to fly off the handle or lead to massive personal change.
Balancing your rules
We all have personal rules for living our lives. What's important is how we…
We all have personal rules for living our lives. What's important is how we balance these rules between our "Must" Rules and our "Should" Rules.
Creating your rules
If you're unhappy in any area of your life it's possible to change this entirely…
If you're unhappy in any area of your life it's possible to change this entirely or get more of the results you want through changing your rules.
Introducing the Human Needs
If you've ever wondered why you do the things you do, the answer lies in your…
If you've ever wondered why you do the things you do, the answer lies in your human needs. Our human human needs drives our thoughts and behaviour and largely shape the direction we take in life.
Needs of the Personality
The needs of the personality are needs that we must meet every day we're alive;…
The needs of the personality are needs that we must meet every day we're alive; failing to meet these needs in a resourceful way leads to dissatisfaction and misery.
Communication is something that we all do every day of our lives. In fact, it's…
Communication is something that we all do every day of our lives. In fact, it's often said that we can't not communicate. Enhancing your communication skills is essential for leaders at every level.
The 'no problem' area
Even though neither party has a problem with one another it is still essential…
Even though neither party has a problem with one another it is still essential to focus on enhancing and building on the relationship because, as in most organisations, problems are often just around the corner.
How we really communicate
Understanding how we communicate is the key to deconstructing and then…
Understanding how we communicate is the key to deconstructing and then reconstructing your communication skills to improve your relationships and enhance your influencing skills.
The other person owns the problem
There will be times in your personal and professional life when "the other…
There will be times in your personal and professional life when "the other person" owns the problem. The worst thing we can do is to take on their problem and solve it for them. These skills are essential for helping the other person solve their own issues.
How we listen
Most people default to hearing rather than listening. Hearing is passive,…
Most people default to hearing rather than listening. Hearing is passive, listening is active. Listening skills are at the root of effective communication.
Masterful questioning
I've heard it said that the person who asks the questions controls the…
I've heard it said that the person who asks the questions controls the conversation. Asking the right question in the right way can help another person expand their world to options and ideas they previously had never considered.
Assertiveness and problem solving
There will be times in your personal and professional life when you will need to…
There will be times in your personal and professional life when you will need to stand up for yourself and resolve a dispute with another person. How we do this will strongly influence the successful outcome of a potentially difficult conversation.
Conflict resolution skills
Conflict is inevitable. Many people shy away from it but conflict, when done in…
Conflict is inevitable. Many people shy away from it but conflict, when done in the right way, can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes and can even even enhance a relationship.
Strategies for dealing with a needs conflict
Conflict skills rarely come naturally and having strategies for dealing with…
Conflict skills rarely come naturally and having strategies for dealing with conflict greatly enhances the possibility of finding a solution that works for all parties.
Understanding the values conflict
Due to the nature of the values conflict the outcome can never be guaranteed;…
Due to the nature of the values conflict the outcome can never be guaranteed; however, using these skills greatly increases the chances of a resolution.
The Six Leadership Styles - Commanding
The Commanding leadership style has a mixed bag of traits. It includes traits…
The Commanding leadership style has a mixed bag of traits. It includes traits such as the need to control, impatience, and is highly critical of others. However, this style includes positive traits such as initiative, a desire to achieve.
The Six Leadership Styles - Pace-Setter
The underlying foundational characteristics of the pace-setter leadership style…
The underlying foundational characteristics of the pace-setter leadership style include the drive to achieve, a high initiative to seize opportunities, striving to increase their own performance and those of their team.
The Six Leadership Styles - Democratic
The democratic leadership style keeps morale high by spending time one- on-one…
The democratic leadership style keeps morale high by spending time one- on-one and in meetings listening to the concerns of team members. Genuinely giving people a voice and ensuring that they feel heard.
The Six Leadership Styles - Affiliative
The affiliative leadership style comes to the fore when there’s infighting and…
The affiliative leadership style comes to the fore when there’s infighting and people are working together only begrudgingly. It comes into prominence to heal rifts in a team, motivate during stressful times, or strengthen connections.
The Six Leadership Styles - Visionary
The visionary leadership style provides a clear vision, a clear direction that…
The visionary leadership style provides a clear vision, a clear direction that makes sense to people, they’ll jump on board and start working toward achieving that outcome. Just the very act of the team aligning to something immediately gives them a sense of purpose and reduces the doubt and uncertainty.
The Six Leadership Styles - Introduction
One of the most pivotal models in understanding leadership is the Six Leadership…
One of the most pivotal models in understanding leadership is the Six Leadership Styles portrayed by Daniel Goleman in The New Leaders. Understanding these styles is essential to knowing how to set up a team for high performance. The styles, in order of most positively impactful on an organisation or team to least impactful are: Visionary, Coaching, Affiliative, Democratic, Pace-setter, and Commanding.
Situational Leadership and Delegation
Situational Leadership is a useful tool for helping leaders, effectively…
Situational Leadership is a useful tool for helping leaders, effectively delegate regardless of the expertise or attitude of a team member. The leader can give the delegated task just the right amount of attention without leaving your team member hanging out to dry or smothering them with too many directions.
Welcome to Leaders Are Made
Welcome to Leaders are Made! You have at your fingertips everything you need to…
Welcome to Leaders are Made! You have at your fingertips everything you need to become the type of leader you’ve always dreamed of becoming. This platform is a comprehensive tool with a single purpose, to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to grow professionally.
The Six Leadership Styles - Coaching
The Coaching Leadership style is a highly positive leadership style. The focus…
The Coaching Leadership style is a highly positive leadership style. The focus is less about the “bottom-line” but, because it tends to promote loyalty and a strong culture, indirectly produces “bottom-line” results.
The Six Leadership Styles - Creating Your Leadership Philosophy
After exploring all the leadership styles, it’s time to make them work for us,…
After exploring all the leadership styles, it’s time to make them work for us, it’s time to make a change. Imagine your ‘ideal self’. You, acting in the way you would like to be as a leader. No matter what is going on around you, what does this look like? This video explores and workshops a way to develop your leadership philosophy.
The Six Leadership Styles - Putting them into Practice
This video explores how to put your knowledge of the six leadership styles into…
This video explores how to put your knowledge of the six leadership styles into practice. Imagine a scenario where you’ve just inherited a new team, you’re brand new to a leadership position, or your team is just simply not performing, what are the styles that apply? how will you implement them?
Coaching with the GROW Model
One of the most simple and impactful coaching tools is the GROW Model. The GROW…
One of the most simple and impactful coaching tools is the GROW Model. The GROW Model is a coaching framework often used by leaders to help unlock hidden potential and possibilities in another person. GROW was created by John Whitmore in the late 1980s and is probably the most commonly used coaching framework for goal setting, problem solving and performance improvement.
How to Create Team Values
Our personal values are inherent in every decision that we make and we use our…
Our personal values are inherent in every decision that we make and we use our personal values to evaluate the decisions we’ve made. If we don’t have an agreed upon set of values then each person in a team will be applying their personal values within the work setting. This video offers an approach to developing a set of team values.
How to Create a Team Vision
A team vision sets the general direction which, in one short statement,…
A team vision sets the general direction which, in one short statement, simplifies potentially hundreds of more detailed decisions. A vision motivates and inspires people to act and set off in that direction, even if those initial steps are difficult. And lastly, a clearly articulated vision helps to coordinate the efforts of disparate groups of people, in a quick and efficient manner.