Sarah Tocker

Sarah Tocker
Leadership Coach
Sarah works as a coach and facilitator with a background in leadership development, systems leadership, culture and change. Sarah helps organisations’ thrive in times of change and adaptation. She works with people wanting to influence or lead well in complex or challenging situations, as well as teams who want to improve their relationships and effectiveness.
Sarah's work is informed by post-graduate study in Education and Leadership and ongoing professional development but is experiential and practical. She has a honed ability to ground theory in practice, making ideas applicable to the everyday life of complex organisations. A straight talker with an ability to see the core issues and enable groups and individuals to work on these in a safe and meaningful way, Sarah brings her wealth of study and practical experience to Leaders are Made.
The latest from Sarah Tocker
Micromanagement comes from a sense of needing or wanting to control what's going…
Micromanagement comes from a sense of needing or wanting to control what's going on to minimise risk, and it comes from a fear-based space. We tend to micromanage when we are concerned or worried, and we're wanting to make sure that we get the outcome that we need or that we believe we should get. This video explores what to do if you're on the receiving end of micromanagement.
As a leader it is hard for most of us to be vulnerable at work. When thinking…
As a leader it is hard for most of us to be vulnerable at work. When thinking about the values of a great leader, they often have something to do with being authentic or being fully present, trying new things, and looking out for their teams. A central part of all those attributes is the ability to be vulnerable.
We all have habits that over time and through repetition have become rituals -…
We all have habits that over time and through repetition have become rituals - the way we start and end our days, or how you like to begin meetings, or how you check in with your team and team members. There's an opportunity in rituals to think about what really matters and to take a wider perspective.
The Four Player Model - David Kantor
David Kantor, after many years of research, identified that in discussions there…
David Kantor, after many years of research, identified that in discussions there are four main roles that come up. This is referred to as the 4 player model, and it helps us understand the way discussions flow, our role in that, and how to influence the quality and effectiveness of the group by using the four roles.
The Power of Stopping to Think
We live in a world that rewards action. But wisdom, in leadership and in life…
We live in a world that rewards action. But wisdom, in leadership and in life comes from a balance between action and reflection. There's a process called reflective practice that can help us learn faster. It's a structured way of looking back on what has happened, and thinking about what we can learn from those events to improve for next time. This video outlines the process and practice of reflection.
Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way (Middleness)
Many leaders have experienced the feeling of being stuck in the middle of…
Many leaders have experienced the feeling of being stuck in the middle of everybody else's priorities. You have your own priority list, but somehow nothing on it seems to get done while you help everyone around you get through their own lists. One name for this is middleness it’s a phrase coined by human systems expert Barry Oshrey. This video looks at approaches to dealing with middleness by adopting either Lead, Follow or get out of the way.
The Value of Mentors
Mentors are an important part of growing your leadership capability. You may…
Mentors are an important part of growing your leadership capability. You may have mentors even if you don't really call them that. They might be a brilliant leader that you’d like to emulate, or perhaps someone that you admire for a particular skill or way of working, rather than their overall style. One of the things that's really helpful in allowing ourselves to grow and develop as a leader is to have a range of mentors who provide us perspective, who challenge our ideas, who support us, who maybe act like cheerleaders when we’re finding the road a bit tough.
Changing a System
Changing a system is a key part of leadership for anyone wanting to make…
Changing a system is a key part of leadership for anyone wanting to make improvements in a workplace. A system is just people following a set of processes that achieve a desired result. To break any system down into its components, you have: People, Processes and Results.If you change a single one of those elements, you affect the system sounds easy, but it can be pretty hard! And if you change all three of those elements, you replace or update the system entirely.
The Dee Hock Model - The Importance of Peers
Dee Hock was instrumental in the creation of, and then became the CEO, of VISA,…
Dee Hock was instrumental in the creation of, and then became the CEO, of VISA, the credit card company. While he was very successful in business, he became far more interested in why organisations are unable to create and maintain effective ways of working that meet the needs of customers and staff. He continually wondered, what else could work? The Dee Hock model proposes that relationships between peers in a team have a significant impact on performance for customers.
Current You vs Future You
Have you ever experienced that ‘out of body’ moment of reflection, where you…
Have you ever experienced that ‘out of body’ moment of reflection, where you know you should be doing something, but you absolutely don’t want to do that thing? For example, giving someone in your team some tough feedback, or getting started on a work priority that you’re not that confident about. We call this the knowing-doing gap. We are sometimes programmed to think that outcomes will be different to the way they are likely to be, we practice unrealistic optimism. A simple brain hack where we think about our future self can be helpful to overcome this and improve personal performance.
Introduction to Sarah Tocker
Sarah works as a coach and facilitator with a background in leadership…
Sarah works as a coach and facilitator with a background in leadership development, systems leadership, culture and change. Sarah helps organisations’ thrive in times of change and adaptation. She works with people wanting to influence or lead well in complex or challenging situations, as well as teams who want to improve their relationships and effectiveness. Sarah's work is informed by post-graduate study in Education and Leadership and ongoing professional development but is experiential and practical. She has a honed ability to ground theory in practice, making ideas applicable to the everyday life of complex organisations. A straight talker with an ability to see the core issues and enable groups and individuals to work on these in a safe and meaningful way, Sarah brings her wealth of study and practical experience to Leaders are Made.